Friday, September 2, 2011

How to make Rice Crispy Treats? simple recipe

I get asked a lot.. How do you make your rice crispy treats? I say very simple :)

At first, before trying it I thought ... Ah what a mess it would be.. 

Then there is that recipe on the Rice Crispy Cereal, I decided to try it. The best way to learn it is by remembering these simple numbers  :)   2,4,6

 Your ingredients will be in this order:

Butter -2 tablespoons
Mini Marshmallows- 4 cups
Rice Crispy Cereal - 6 cups

That will help you remember what goes first and so forth..


1) In a pot on medium heat melt 2 tablespoons of butter.. when melted spread around evenly in pot.
2) Add 4 cups of mini marshmallows and stir occasionally until melted, When marshmallows are melted turn of stove and remove from heat.
3) Finally to melted marshmallows add 6 cups of you rice crispy cereal, mix well 

You are DONE.

Tip: When you pour your mix out make sure to use wax or parchment paper on cookie sheet to avoid sticking.
Use PAM or butter spray on you hands so mix wont stick to you and its easier to mold.. decorate etc..